Interface DatabaseAdmin

All Known Implementing Classes:
AstraDBDatabaseAdmin, DataAPIDatabaseAdmin

public interface DatabaseAdmin
Defines the core client interface for interacting with the Data API, focusing on CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for namespaces. This interface extends the CommandRunner, incorporating methods that allow for the execution of various data manipulation and query commands within the scope of a namespace.

Implementations of this interface should provide concrete methods for namespace management, including the creation, retrieval, updating, and deletion of namespaces. By leveraging the extended command runner capabilities, it facilitates a streamlined and efficient approach to data management within the specified context.


Example usage:


 // Initialization of the client
 DataApiClient client1 = DataApiClients.create("http://<>endpoint>", "<token>", new HttpClientOptions());

 // Example operation: Create a new namespace
 DataApiNamespace newNamespace = client.createNamespace("exampleNamespace");

 // Example operation: Fetch a namespace
 DataApiNamespace fetchedNamespace = client.getNamespace("exampleNamespace");

 // Example operation: Delete a namespace
  • Method Details Link icon

    • listNamespaceNames Link icon

      Set<String> listNamespaceNames()
      Retrieves a stream of namespace names available in the current database. This method is essential for applications that need to enumerate all namespaces to perform operations such as displaying available namespaces to users, managing namespaces programmatically, or executing specific tasks within each namespace. The returned Stream facilitates efficient processing of namespace names, enabling operations like filtering, sorting, and mapping without the need for preloading all names into memory.

      Example usage:

       // Assuming 'client' is an instance of DataApiClient
       Stream<String> namespaceNames = client.listNamespaceNames());
       // Display names in the console
      A Set containing the names of all namespaces within the current database. The stream provides a flexible and efficient means to process the namespace names according to the application's needs.
    • findEmbeddingProviders Link icon

      FindEmbeddingProvidersResult findEmbeddingProviders()
      Retrieve the list of embedding providers available in the current database. Embedding providers are services that provide embeddings for text, images, or other data types. This method returns a map of provider names to EmbeddingProvider instances, allowing applications to access and utilize the embedding services.

      Example usage:

       // Assuming 'client' is an instance of DataApiClient
       Map<String, EmbeddingProvider> providers = client.findEmbeddingProvidersAsMap());
      list of available providers
    • listNamespaceNamesAsync Link icon

      default CompletableFuture<Set<String>> listNamespaceNamesAsync()
      Asynchronously retrieves a stream of namespace names available in the current database. This method facilitates non-blocking operations by allowing the application to continue executing other tasks while the list of namespace names is being fetched. The method returns a CompletableFuture that, upon completion, provides a Stream of namespace names, enabling efficient and flexible processing through stream operations.

      Example usage:

       // Assuming 'client' is an instance of DataApiClient
       CompletableFuture<Stream<String>> futureNamespaces = client.listNamespaceNamesAsync();
       // Process the stream of names asynchronously once it's available
       futureNamespaces.thenAccept(streamOfNames -> {
         Stream<String> namespaceNames = streamOfNames);
       }).exceptionally(ex -> {
         System.out.println("An error occurred: " + ex.getMessage());
         return null;
      A CompletableFuture that, when completed, provides a stream containing the names of all namespaces within the current database. This allows for the asynchronous processing of namespace names with the flexibility and efficiency benefits of using a stream.
    • getDatabase Link icon

      Database getDatabase(String namespaceName)
      Retrieves a Database instance that represents a specific database (or namespace) based on the provided namespace name.

      Example usage:

       // Assume 'client' is an instance of your data API client
       String namespaceName = "exampleNamespace";
       // Retrieve the namespace instance
       DataApiNamespace namespace = client.getNamespace(namespaceName);
       // Now, 'namespace' can be used to perform operations within 'exampleNamespace'
      This example illustrates how to obtain a DataApiNamespace instance for a specified namespace name, which then enables the execution of various database operations within that namespace. It highlights the method's role in facilitating direct interaction with different parts of the database.
      namespaceName - The name of the namespace (or keyspace) to retrieve. This parameter should match the exact name of the namespace as it exists in the database.
      A DataApiNamespace instance that encapsulates the operations and information specific to the given namespace.
    • getDatabase Link icon

      Database getDatabase(String namespaceName, String userToken)
      Access the Database associated with this admin class.
      namespaceName - the destination namespace for this database
      userToken - the user token with DML access if different from admin.
      instance of the database
    • getDatabase Link icon

      default Database getDatabase()
      Access the Database asscociated with this admin class.
      associated database
    • dropNamespace Link icon

      void dropNamespace(String namespace)
      Drops (deletes) the specified namespace from the database. This operation is idempotent; it will not produce an error if the namespace does not exist. This method is useful for cleaning up data or removing entire keyspaces as part of database maintenance or restructuring. Caution should be exercised when using this method, as dropping a namespace will remove all the data, collections, or tables contained within it, and this action cannot be undone.

      Example usage:

       // Assume 'client' is an instance of your data API client
       String namespace = "targetNamespace";
       // Drop the namespace
       // The namespace 'targetNamespace' is now deleted, along with all its contained data
      This example demonstrates how to safely drop a namespace by name. The operation ensures that even if the namespace does not exist, the method call will not interrupt the flow of the application, thereby allowing for flexible and error-tolerant code design.
      namespace - The name of the namespace to be dropped. This parameter specifies the target namespace that should be deleted. The operation will proceed silently and without error even if the namespace does not exist, ensuring consistent behavior.
    • dropNamespaceAsync Link icon

      default void dropNamespaceAsync(String namespace)
      Asynchronously drops (deletes) the specified namespace from the database. This operation is idempotent, meaning it will not produce an error if the namespace does not exist. Performing this operation asynchronously ensures that the calling thread remains responsive, and can be particularly useful for applications that require high availability and cannot afford to block on potentially long-running operations. Just like its synchronous counterpart, this method should be used with caution as dropping a namespace will remove all associated data, collections, or tables, and this action is irreversible.

      Example usage:

       // Assume 'client' is an instance of your data API client
       String namespace = "asyncTargetNamespace";
       // Asynchronously drop the namespace
       // The namespace 'asyncTargetNamespace' is now being deleted in the background, along with all its contained data
      This example illustrates the non-blocking nature of dropping a namespace. It demonstrates the method's utility in maintaining application responsiveness, even when performing potentially long-running database operations.
      namespace - The name of the namespace to be dropped. This is the target namespace that will be deleted. The asynchronous nature of this method means that it will execute without blocking the calling thread, regardless of whether the namespace exists or not, ensuring a consistent and responsive application behavior.
    • createNamespace Link icon

      void createNamespace(String namespace)
      Create a Namespace providing a name.
      namespace - current namespace.
    • createNamespaceAsync Link icon

      default CompletableFuture<Void> createNamespaceAsync(String namespace)
      Create a Namespace providing a name.
      namespace - current namespace.
      client for namespace
    • namespaceExists Link icon

      default boolean namespaceExists(String namespace)
      Evaluate if a namespace exists.
      namespace - namespace name.
      if namespace exists